Aggregate Analysis Reporting Tool (AART)


The Aggregate Analysis Reporting Tool (AART) is an application specifically developed to visualize and compile results and information on community-driven measures and tests related to the Immunization Information System (IIS) Functional Standards. AIRA oversees the development, support, and maintenance of AART as a tool for the IIS community.

AART meets a variety of needs for the Measurement and Improvement (M&I) Initiative:

  • Allows IIS to declare their participation in all content areas and stages.
  • Allows IIS staff to determine who can see their results and at what level.
  • Provides measures and test results in graphic or narrative forms.
  • Displays graphics to compare individual IIS results with other IIS across the full community.

All IIS can have access to AART and Approve other users (e.g., IIS vendors) to view their data.

Users can register for AART here. AART is a community-driven product that relies on feedback from MACAW (Measurement for Assessment & Certification Advisory Workgroup) to identify and prioritize enhancements. All users are encouraged to submit their ideas, comments, and feedback via AART.

Uses of AART Beyond the M&I Initiative 

AIRA has identified a number of uses for AART that go beyond the M&I Initiative. The capabilities of AART are expanding/have expanded to provide these value-add benefits to the IIS community:

  • Quickly fulfill aggregate data requests for community partners
  • Verify HL7 connections with federal partners
  • Test proof of concept frameworks with third-party vendors
  • Publish aggregate data that supports ongoing research

If your IIS is interested in utilizing AART for additional purposes that extend beyond the current M&I initiative, please submit a contact request via AIRA’s online form.  

Additional Resources

Updated: 3/10/25